online community

building made simple

a no-bullshit guide to building and growing your community, based on research and experience.

written for modern marketers.

this guide will teach you

how to start an online community

how to monetize your community

how to grow with word-of-mouth

how to keep members engaged

how to draw out the lurkers

... and many practical techniques!

based on real-world experience

and academic research

my name is haakon, and i'm a startup founder with a passion for online community building. i have:

  • spent over 3 years building and growing online communities for my startups
  • built multiple thriving communities, with over 10 000 members in different niches
  • spent over 1 year on research, reading 400+ academic papers on the topic
  • wrote my master thesis about online community building for digital startups
  • interviewed 20+ community pros, and consulted for multiple companies
  • read tons of books, blogs, threads, and podcasts, workshops and more
  • gathered every single one of my findings in this compact guide, just for you!

there's no silver bullet...

but this is as close as it gets.